Prof. Dr. Markus Esch
Software Architecture and Distributed Systems
Head of Distributed Systems Lab
Director of Studies Praktische Informatik
+49 (0)681/ 5867 – 238
htw saar
Goebenstraße 40
66117 Saarbrücken
Raum 8236
Research Interests
- Large-scale Distributed Systems
- Self-organized Distributed Systems
- Software Architectures for Distributed Systems
- Cloud-native Architectures
- Unstructured Overlay Networks
- Self-Organization and Dynamical Processes
- Multi Agent Systems
- Internet of Things
- Since 2018 Member of the Programm Advisory Committee for the BINFO degree program at the Universtiy of Luxembourg
- Since 2020: Reviewer for the Accreditation Agency for Study Programmes in Engineering, Informatics, Natural Sciences and Mathematics (ASIIN e.V.)
- Since 2022: Member of ASIIN Fachausschuss Informatik